CGST, SGST, and IGST – Understanding the Components of GST

If you are registered under GST, then it is important for you to understand basic concepts and terminology of GST. In this article we have explained the basic terminology used in the context of GST. CGST (Central Goods and Services Tax), SGST (State Goods and Services Tax), and IGST (Integrated Goods and Services Tax) are components of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) system in India. The GST system was introduced to replace the complex and multi-layered indirect tax structure with a unified, destination-based tax. Here’s an overview of each component:

  1. Central Goods and Services Tax (CGST):
  • Levied by: Central Government
  • Purpose: CGST is the portion of GST that goes to the Central Government. It is levied on intra-state supplies of goods and services.
  • Applicability: CGST is applicable when the transaction occurs within the same state, i.e., both the supplier and the consumer are located within the same state.
  1. State Goods and Services Tax (SGST):
  • Levied by: State Government
  • Purpose: SGST is the portion of GST that goes to the State Government. It is also levied on intra-state supplies of goods and services.
  • Applicability: SGST is applicable when the transaction occurs within the same state, similar to CGST. The revenue generated from SGST stays within the state.
  1. Integrated Goods and Services Tax (IGST):
  • Levied by: Central Government
  • Purpose: IGST is applicable to inter-state supplies of goods and services. It is levied on transactions where the location of the supplier and the place of supply are in different states or union territories.
  • Applicability: IGST replaces both CGST and SGST in inter-state transactions. The tax is collected by the Central Government, and then it is apportioned between the Central and State Governments.

Key Points to Understand:

  1. Intra-state Transactions:
    • For transactions within the same state, both CGST and SGST are applicable. The rates of CGST and SGST are usually equal and collectively make up the total GST rate.
  1. Inter-state Transactions:
    • For transactions between different states, IGST is levied. The tax collected under IGST is later divided between the Central and State Governments based on the destination principle.
  1. Revenue Sharing:
    • CGST and SGST are revenue sources for the Central and State Governments, respectively. The revenue generated from IGST is shared between the Central and State Governments based on a pre-determined formula.
  1. Input Tax Credit (ITC):
    • Businesses can claim Input Tax Credit for both CGST and SGST paid on purchases, and in the case of inter-state transactions (IGST), they can use the credit for offsetting tax liabilities.
  1. Destination Principle:
    • The GST system follows the destination principle, meaning that the tax is levied where the goods or services are consumed, ensuring that the revenue benefits the state where consumption occurs.

Understanding these components is crucial for businesses and taxpayers to comply with GST regulations and calculate their tax liabilities accurately, especially in a country like India where both the Central and State Governments are actively involved in the GST system. If you have any query on GST registration services in Gurgaon, Kindly contact us to discuss.


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